Outdoor education incursions provide unique learning opportunities by bringing the excitement of the natural world to your students; allowing them to apply, extend and enhance their learning and their social skills beyond the four walls of the classroom.
Changes in society are affecting childhood experiences. Opportunities for outdoor play and exploration are diminishing, contributing to more sedentary lifestyles, disconnected from the natural world. According to Nature Play SA, 87% of Australian kids spend more time indoors than out, spending less than two hours each day outside. Outdoor education incursions provide unique learning opportunities by bringing the excitement of the natural world to your students; allowing them to apply, extend and enhance their learning and their social skills beyond the four walls of the classroom.
As children's connection with the natural world diminishes, so do opportunities to develop unique understandings and experiences to have a long-term positive impact on the quality of their lives. This is particularly true with regard to their health and wellbeing.
Learning in the outdoors increases student's physical, mental and social health.
Time spent outdoors, in nature reduces a person's chance of developing depression by 25%. Exposing young people to natural environments lowers stress and increases their overall wellbeing, providing lasting effects on the brain's structure and impacting happiness later in life.
The positive effects of nature exposure include improved motor coordination, increased social interaction with adults and other children, and improved social skills.
Giving young people opportunities to engage with nature also boosts their cognitive development, including increased concentration, greater attention capacities, and creativity, and can ultimately improve their academic achievement.
Planet Ark's research report National Tree Day found outdoor classrooms and other forms of nature-based experiential education support significant gains in student academia. Students who participate in outdoor learning programs perform better in reading, writing, maths and science with 77% of teachers reporting student improvement in standardised tests.
Outdoor education incursions provide a space on your school grounds for your students to explore, apply and reflect upon new skills - skills like problem-solving, communication, and relationship building. In a fun and fully supported environment, your students connect with themselves, each other and the natural world.
Outdoor education incursions are a great way to get your students motivated, engaged and inspired. When accepting challenges in the outdoors through a set of considered activities, students are permitted to constructively explore and ask questions in an encouraging environment, supported by our experienced facilitators. Through these experiences, students learn to problem-solve in a real, hands-on way.
Outdoor education incursions provide children with ideas and concepts which cannot be replicated on a screen. For example, small group initiatives such as tent setup require students to communicate effectively. Students guide and support their peers in overcoming obstacles, and completing various tasks, highlighting the importance of active listening and adaptive communication. They are encouraged to attempt these activities twice to understand they can learn from error and recognise each other's strengths.
Incursions support your curriculum and provide alternative opportunities for students to learn in a meaningful and memorable way.

Outdoor education incursions utilise your school grounds and create an engaging and stimulating space for your students to explore challenges and develop and learn new skills. Incursions provide a meaningful experience without the transport and logistical challenges of an excursion. Zero travel time means students get the most of their experience and have more time to enjoy the fresh air – this also means less school staff are needed for these activities.
Engaging in unique and stimulating activities on school grounds allows students to understand learning can happen anytime and anywhere: not just in the classroom!
The Outdoor Education Group provide a range of themed and outcome-focused outdoor education incursions to fit your desired learning outcomes.
- Resilience incursions - focus on developing crucial skills, allowing young people to respond positively to challenges and changes in their lives.
- Leadership incursions - allow your students to explore their strengths and weaknesses so they can approach their goals with confidence.
- Environmental connection incursions - an ideal way to integrate academic disciplines and the social growth of young people while promoting the importance of conserving our natural environment.

Incursions can be embedded as an effective and immersive, stand-alone educational tool or as part of a sequential program - a series of challenge and age-appropriate programs enabling growth and development from one year to the next.
The Outdoor Education Group know learning in the outdoors is a great way to enhance young people's personal development and promote physical and emotional wellbeing. Our incursions are a real opportunity to improve student learning by fully engaging them in activities, allowing them to explore themselves and the world around them.
Our incursions are easily accessible, requiring only an oval or large indoor space, minimal setup time for The Outdoor Education Group staff and no transportation or associated costs. Incursions are conducted over a single day, fitting within school day parameters with students arriving at school at their usual time, wearing sports uniform. School morning routines may be followed, as well as school morning recess, lunchtime and afternoon recess times; allowing for at least 4 hours of active participation in their outdoor education experience.
Prepare your students for greater adventures by expanding a single-day incursion into an overnight camping experience on your school oval, giving your students the unique opportunity to engage in learning basic camping and cooking skills.
Our incursions are suitable for primary school-aged students and high school-aged students and empower them to thrive in the real world. Without leaving the school grounds, students can explore their potential and hone vital skills through powerful and authentic learning experiences. Our incursions allow young people to explore in and engage with nature, setting them up to be strong, healthy, young adults.
Our incursions are available across Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia.
Whether you are starting an outdoor education program or wanting to enhance your current curriculum, our range of outdoor education incursions will ensure your students receive the outcomes and impact your school needs.